


Engagement Projects


Cultivate Create

Acava, 2022

Info coming soon…


Saturday Art Club

National Maritime Museum, 2021-2022

Info coming soon…

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Young Artists Programme

ACAVA 2021

A programme for 7-11 years old in which we meet every week for a full term to playfully explore what art is and can be.

Every week the group uses a different material or technique to explore themes connected to their homes, cultures, foods and toys. Developing their own artistic agency each participant follows their own interested in the creation of their final work, to be exhibited at ACAVA at the end of the year.


Chance Encounters

Attic Theatre Company, 2020-2021

Chance Encounters was a programme for isolated individuals in care homes. In the project, a collaboration between Attic Theatre Company and Clarion Housing, I facilitated weekly workshops for a group of residents. The process is aimed towards the co-creation of a toolkit which generates moments of connection between isolated older residents, and can function as a viable tool for self initiated activities.

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Where are you from?

Guatemala School, Jerusalem 2019

A month long residency at the school with year seven students.

The young people were engaged in an intensive creative process, exploring ideas around cultural inheritance by researching their own family’s histories and origins.

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Change Makers

Barbican and Create’s Change Makers

Taking place at the White House in Dagenham, The project was comprised of a series of workshops with Sydney Russel School students.

Taking inspiration from the 50th Anniversary of the Sewing Machinist Strike at the Dagenham Ford Plant, the workshops considered issues of feminism, activism, and labour. The group explored women’s historical role within a gendered division of labour, creating personal responses to the histories of women’s activism and developing a shared view for the future.


Welcoming Ghosts

Constellations at Flat Time House, 2018

Taking the form of a monthly working group, Constellations has explored different methods and approaches to artistic research and community-oriented practice through a series of workshops.

Welcoming Ghosts invited participants to Join the Constellations group for an open workshop exploring notions of heritage, inheritance and cultural identity in relation to community building and group dynamics. Drawing on a number of texts and excerpts from artist's films and videos, Constellations led a series of activities that focus on alternative forms of communication, pedagogy, and knowledge production.

The Complete Jessy Cohen Museum

Homeroom Class

The Complete Jessy Cohen Museum at
The Israeli Centre for Digital Art, 2017

The Complete Jessy Cohen Museum is a museum of a neighbourhood as told by its inhabitants.
This was a six months creative research process, done in collaboration with several groups of residents at Jessy Cohen neighbourhood in Holon, Israel.

More details here


Tate Schools Workshop Programme

Schools and SEND Workshop Programme

Artist residency at Tate Modern and Tate Britain,

A year - long residency at Tate Modern and Tate Britain, delivering weekly workshops for visiting school groups. The workshops combined an exploration of the museum’s collection through the prism of my own practice as well as the participants’ interests and curiosities. Using sculpture, drawing and performances the workshops provided a space for playful and thoughtful engagements with art and art-making.


Alternative After School Art Club

Hotel Elephant Gallery with the Globe Academy.
In Collaboration with artist Michal Huss, , 2015 - 2016

The after school art club was initiated due to a lack of support for young people in the area to continue pursuing their studies in art. It was designed to provide them with a platform in which they could develop their ideas outside of the school's curriculum and experiment with contemporary and collective approaches to art making.

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Tracing Patterns

Hotel Elephant Gallery with St. Saviour's & St. Olave's Secondary School, 2015

In a Series of workshops the group explored the area of Elephant and Castle by looking into the patterns and textures that made up the neighbourhood. They investigated the public space through the contrasting elements of urban and natural environments, discussing issues such as industrialisation, labour and gentrification and reflecting on the influences these have on the daily lives of the neighbourhood’s residents.


Redefining Beauty

Lewisham Young Women's Resource Project, 2014 - 2015

Redefining Beauty comprised of a series of devised workshops That took place at Lewisham Young Women's Resource Project with a group of young girls. Taking its inspiration from Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth, each workshop examined the ways in which women's representation in the media effect individual and collective notions of beauty and define our relationships to our bodies.